Take advantage of all the benefits of Mobile Deposit by first getting Online Banking set up. To sign up for Online Banking, just visit our website homepage and choose the 'Sign In' option at the top right of the page. Then choose 'Enroll Here'. This will walk you through the sign-up process for Online Banking. If you need help, give us a call at 888.267.7200.
Download the free Lake Trust Credit Union app on the App Store1 or on Google Play1 to get started.
Some tips on taking a successful picture of your check:
Please make sure to keep your check for 45 days after the deposit. This is for your records in case there is an issue with the deposit. Feel free to shred your check after this time.
1Third party website. Lake Trust Credit Union is not responsible for the content, availability, security, or compliance of any linked third-party websites. In addition, the site's privacy policies may differ from those of Lake Trust.